Wednesday, October 5, 2016

So What's In A Name?

Therapy dog or family dog is a name important? We all love our pets and choose their names with care. Some choose strong bold names while others choose soft loving names. Some choose human like names while others choose random made up names. Whatever we choose, our pets become the name we give them. The top 10 names for 2016 for both males and female dogs (Good Housekeeping Magazine) are: Male: Bear, Max, Cooper, Duke, Finn, Hudson, Jack, Rocky, Toby, Tucker Female: Aurora, Bailey, Bella, Chloe, Elsa, Ivy, Maggie, Sadie, Stella, Sophie I’ll never forget how Maggie came about her name. When we knew Maggie was going to be joining our family my whole family got together and came up with about eight names. We then narrowed it down to two names and decided when we saw her we would pick the final name. So what were to two names we had narrowed it down to Katie and Phoebe. At this point you are probably scratching your head. But keep reading … Turns out when we picked Maggie up I took one look at her and decided she didn’t look anything like a Katie or Phoebe and on the spot named her Maggie. The funny thing was that Maggie wasn’t even on the original list. Sometimes out pets just name themselves. I’ll never forget the time I took Maggie to the vet. One of the technicians was getting us set up and I noticed her name was Heidi. “Oh,” I said “I love your name. We had thought about naming Maggie that.” She turned around and gave me a dirty look. I thought she would be honored to have a dog with the same name as her. After all she does work at a vet’s office. Guess I was wrong about that!

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